
Main Objectives

  • Investigate which resin printer to buy
  • (2023) investigate a new Prusa multi-colour mechanism

Currently in Progress

  • Gathering past and current Cornerstone Project Profile - Sakuraba And Matayoshi
    • cornerstone project information
    • history of past projects (page per project?)
      • make a template page for leaders to fill in

EWS Room layout

  • Meeting space with the projector
  • U shape meeting area
  • 6 seated meeting area
  • Test benches
  • Stationary area (Printer, laminator, big poster printer, etc)
  • Soldering area
  • Graduate student's area
  • Shelves
  • Locker
  • Cleaning equipment area
  • Machines area

Equipment Manual

  • 3D printer
  • PCB CNC machine
  • Oscilloscope
  • Power Supply
  • MultiMeter
  • Soldering iron
  • Wave function generator
  • Surface mount machines
  • And more…

PR + Marketing

  • FIKA for announcements
    • open days, tours, events, etc.
    • regular announcement of web site + pamphlet (as PDF or as hard copy from library or 1F admin office)
    • solicit feedback occasionally about what more people would like to have in/from the EWS
    • project requests from University departments or other students ⇒ details on EWS Teams and/or web site
  • poster in the window with QR code / URL
  • pamphlet in the library (poss. “please take one free!”)
    • copy in the library, 1F office, in JA and EN
  • orientation week slot to explain EWS
    • anyone can use EWS to do project starting from 1Y W1
  • permanent valuable content on the web site
  • EWS Open Day(s) - tour of the room, hands-on experiences, observe project work being done

Web site content

  • use feedback from questionnaire as initial FAQs v 0.1
  • EWS introduction
    • EWS is not only for cornerstone projects
      • anyone can use EWS for projects from 1Y W1
    • facilities available in the EWS (hardware, software incl. simulation, modeling, etc.)
      • which equipment can be used freely, which need training, which are super special/dangerous and etc.
      • free materials available - resistors that cost 1 Y, small project boards, wire, solder, etc.
      • materials that can be used with project budget
      • “reference” materials - development boards, cables, etc., equipment/cables that can be loaned (and the process)
      • how to use project budget to obtain materials in the EWS
    • how to use the EWS
      • walk-in any time when supervisor present
      • can use own tools and equipment (just ask before starting)
        • flagstone project = personal project, no formal requirements
      • make reservation only when timing is critical (e.g., weekend) via EWS Team
      • find/publicise a project using the EWS general channel
    • safety rules and regulations
      • summary of usual rules (chemicals, loud noises [balcony? ;-)], smelly perfume, etc.)
      • use high voltage ⇒ ask your supervisor or EWS directory for permission
        • have a written safety protocol that is mandatory and always followed
    • page for personnel - who is who? short personal intro/bio
    • what the EWS supervisors do: responsibilities, authority, etc.
    • how to contact EWS staff/supervisors
    • what can be achieved using the EWS (what can we use/do? what kind of finished project can we produce?)
      • what kinds of fields of project or exploration can be done in the EWS?
    • solicit feedback occasionally about what more people would like to have in/from the EWS
  • cornerstone project information
    • history of past projects (page per project?)
      • make template page for leaders to fill in
    • how to start cornerstone project - requirements, URLs, who to talk to, how to find cornerstone project “supervisor”
  • supervisor/management section (in manual too?)
    • overall responsibilities: safety
    • routine tasks to be performed
      • cleaning, check first box, recharge makita battery, feed aibo
      • report low stock of materials (filament, soldering materials, components, …)

EWS manual

  • some important subset of the PR/Marketing material, web site content
  • what can be achieved in the EWS
  • contact info, URL, QR, etc.
  • where to send (and what kind of) feedback/request/suggestion
  • what supervisors do

Teams exploitation

  • general channel = encourage people to announce project ideas and find project partners
    • encourage projects who accept noobies and teach them how to design and build using tools, materials
    • project requests from University, other departments, or students
      • schedule, funding, stipend ;-)
    • announcements from users of interesting projects or milestones or demos that can be made
      • post pictures
      • involve University PR dept. (?)
  • supervisors channel
    • point out, discuss, EWS users who show particular promise as future supervisors
      • friendly, technically competent, responsible, desire to contribute to EWS management, fluent EN
      • approach them after consensus and invite to become more involved


  • 06/28 18:00~finish = intro to soldering, 5 teams x 2 ppl per team
    • make a blinky LED on protoboard with 555 timer (100-200 yen) - beginner
    • 06/07 component/materials
      • Bill of Materials (= complete shopping list @ Sakuraba, Matayoshi
    • 06/07(Complete) draft (alpha test quality) poster (A4 or A3 or even larger if appropriate)
      • 06/13 new draft
    • 06/14 final plan
      • presenter: Sakuraba, Matayoshi = content, presentation
      • marketing: Ikehara, Imai = poster (EN+JA), announcement(s)
      • registrator: Imai [check google group mail or local mailing list: ews@kuas.? → supervisors + director]
      • TAs: TBD (grad students? experienced EWS members?) (Complete)
    • 06/14 posters ready (Complete)
    • 06/16 announcement, 16日(B1 1年生) and 20日(B2 2年生)
    • 06/17 Materials draft
    • 06/21 beta test and final materials
    • 06/28 event
  • 12/?? Intro to Soldering REPRISE part 1!
    • 8 participants
    • design PCB
    • prototype PCB
    • order PCBs from Chyna (enough for several events)
    • reorder components from mouser
  • 12/?? or 01/?? Intro to Soldering REPRISE part 2
    • repeat of above
  • 2023/01/end Joint event with MWS (full day? two days?)
    • Let's build something electromechanical
      • Arduino controlled catapult
      • stepper motor to reload / stepper motor controller tension for range?
      • large capacity ammunition reservoir
      • rapid fire mode
      • horizontal target tracking
  • ??/31 Halloween: topic by ??/??, final plan ??/??
  • op-amp headphone amplifier [for the music lovers (2000-3000 yen)] - intermediate or advanced

EWS Hoodie

  • 06/07 Start
  • 06/20 Deadline for the design
  • 06/21 or 06/22 Design arrived at the factory
  • 07/04 Arrived at Sakuraba Place
  • 07/05 Everyone gets their hoodie

Supervisor Introduction

  • 06/?? self-intro draft (In Progress)

2022 Open Campus Helper

  • 06/12 Sakuraba, Ikehara (Complete)
  • 07/09 Sakuraba, Ikehara, Imai
  • 07/10 Sakuraba, Ikehara, Imai
  • 08/06 Sakuraba, Ikehara, Imai
  • 08/07 Sakuraba, Ikehara, Imai
  • 08/28 Ikehara, Imai
  • 09/25 Matayoshi, Sakuraba, Ikehara, Imai

Project ideas


  • how to use an oscilloscope
    • auto vs. manual settings
    • measure voltage, time, duty cycle
    • rise time of CR
    • reference waveform
    • mathematics (sum, diff, FFT → frequency response)
    • etc…
  • single-board computers
    • Raspberry Pi + GPIO = Python, C
      • Beagle Bone
      • Chinese stuff x 1000
  • specific microcontrollers
    • Atmel (Arduino, or standalone)
    • Raspberry Pi RP2040 MicroPython ← the newest amazing device on Earth
    • ESP32 ← powerful, wifi, BLE, …
    • STM32 ← fast ADC, used in mechatronics courses

media + blog

  • news (new equipment, new devices, prize winning presentations, …)
  • how-to / tutorials (equipment, 3D printing, SPICE simulation, etc.)
  • educational (specific components, theory, circuit design)
  • advertising (members, supervisors)
    • posters = PR
  • supervisors/brainstorming.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/11/11 12:36
  • by matayoshi