
EWS rules and guidelines

To ensure the safe operation of our workshops the Engineering Department has adopted the following guidelines. These guidelines must be observed at all times. Access to and use of the workshops is a privilege, not a right, and failure to comply with the guidelines will result in workshop access being revoked. All workshop users must understand and agree to the guidelines in this document.

  • Do not use the workshop or equipment without permission. Obtain the necessary training and certification from staff before using any new piece of equipment. Always ask if you are unsure of how to operate something.
  • Do not conduct unauthorised experiments or project work. Find a staff member to supervise your project or exper- iment. Keep your project supervisor informed of your work and progress.
  • Do not use workshop materials or components without permission from your project supervisor. They will tell you which free materials and components you can use, and which you will have to provide by yourself.
  • Do not use the workshop outside of normal class hours without permission. Outside of class hours a supervisor must be present for all the equipment you use.
  • Never use potentially dangerous equipment alone. In case of accident it is vitally important that help is always within screaming distance.
  • Do not use expensive or restricted equipment without permission. If the equipment is in a locked cabinet, sign the equipment out before use and sign it back in after use.
  • Always use eye protection when using machinery or tools designed for cutting/drilling or soldering/heating.
  • Always use eye protection, gloves, overalls, or other appropriate protective equipment when handling dangerous materials or chemicals.
  • Always follow the appropriate safety precautions and procedures when preparing, using, and stowing equipment after use.
  • Never attempt to circumvent safety features associated with workshop equipment.
  • Do not make any sudden loud noises that could startle others who are concentrating on their work or operating potentially dangerous machinery.
  • Report malfunctioning equipment (strange noises or odours, sparks, smoke, etc.) immediately. It is very important that malfunctioning equipment is identified and repaired as soon as possible.
  • Report all accidents, no matter how small, to a member of staff immediately.
  • Use compressed air only with approved equipment and never direct compressed air towards another person for any reason.
  • Do not try to disable any safety feature on a machine or tool. All safety features, such as guards or enclosures, must be used as intended.
  • Exercise good judgement and common sense in your work and conduct at all times while in the workshop.
  • Do not take photographs in the workshop without permission.
  • Do not dispose of chemicals, food, or other waste materials in the workshop sink.
  • Do not generate any hazardous waste without permission.
  • Always turn equipment off when you are finished using it. Ensure electrical equipment is either physically disconnected from the power source or ‘double switched’ with both switches in the ‘off’ position. If you are last to leave the workshop, verify that no equipment has been left turned on.
  • Do not leave the workshop until you have tidied up your work area and returned all equipment to the state in which. you found it. Leave the workshop at least as clean, tidy, and organised as you found it.
  • Keep the workshop floors clear of obstacles. Ensure unobstructed access at all times to exits, emergency exits, fire extinguishers, electrical panels, and the sink.
  • Clean up all accidental spillages immediately. If the spill poses any potential risk to the workshop environment or users, inform a member of staff immediately.
  • Always record every free component or material that you use in the inventory management book.
  • Report all breakages, no matter how small, so that equipment can be maintained in perfect working order.
  • Always be aware of the nearest first aid box, fire extinguisher, and emergency exit.
  • Dismantle and store all equipment and materials in their proper locations before leaving the workshop.
  • Do not store large items in the workshop. Ask a staff member for storage space if you need it.
  • Ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all users of the workshop. Maintain a good level of personal hygiene and do not wear artificial fragrances.
  • Do not eat at workbenches. Keep the workshop spotlessly clean and deal with any spillages immediately. Do not put food waste in the sink.
  • What are the worst possible things that could go wrong?
  • What can I do to reduce the risk of them happening to an absolute minimum?
  • How will I deal with them if somehow they still happen?

Do not perform any potentially dangerous task or job until you have the answers to these questions. Make it a habit, in everything that you do, to predict undesirable outcomes and to take proactive steps in advance to make sure those outcomes never happen.

  • rule.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/12/03 10:13
  • by piumarta