Electronic parts
We have a variety of electronic components in our electronic workshop stock. We keep track of all of them with our own stock control numbers.
Electronic part numbers
A part number has 6 characters, three letters followed by three digits.
1 | Component classification (electronic components/fixtures) |
2 | For each type of electronic component |
3 | Size and performance of electronic components |
4 | Number (001-999) |
Detailed classification methods are described in
Each component has a different process for use.
For free | |
Using the budget of project |
For free
Before use, please record the information below on the sheet located on the shelf of each component. Content:
- Date and time
- Your project name (If you do a project)
- your ID
- part number
- the number of parts
Using the budget of project
First make sure the component is in-stock in the EWS. Then order the component using the online system the same way you would order components from a distributor. For the name of the distributor/company write “EWS”.