explain what they are going to build: summary of project
explain each component briefly, which also checks kits are complete
show schematic and explain point-to-point wiring used to connect parts
explain how protoboard and how point-to-point wiring works
explain how IC pins are numbered, polarity of IC, diode
give everyone a printed sheet with the schematic, resistor colour code, and the top and bottom (reflected) layouts
build from the layout diagrams, not from the schematic
explain soldering, especially safety: which parts get hot, avoid burning the cable, etc.
demonstrate how to make a good solder joint
demonstrate how to construct using camera and big screen
construct one part at a time
start with the lowest component (IC holder?) and work towards the tallest
solder the IC holder without the IC (put it in last, after checking power connections, etc.)
vise is probably not needed
TAs: check all students have connected their part correctly
do not leave students getting bored with nothing to do