~~NOTOC~~ {{wiki:hero.jpg}} ====== Electronics Workshop ====== Welcome to the Electronics Workshop at KUAS Engineering! We are located on the 4F of the Engineering building, next to the library, opposite the doors at the top of the main exterior staircase. The workshop is open to all students and faculty at KUAS-E, and to students from other departments on request. ====== For those who want to use the EWS ====== To use the EWS you first need to attend an orientation session (safety, rules, regulations), and sign a waiver and code of conduct. To attend an orientation either ask one of the workshop supervisors or the workshop director (Prof. Piumarta) using teams or in-person by coming to the EWS. ===== Equipment ===== We have a wide range of soldering, test, and bench equipment. For more information about a small selection of our equipment, see: [[equipment:start]] ===== Facilities ===== In addition to the electronics area we have desks for individual work, meeting spaces for project teams, and a space for making project presentations with AV equipment. For more information see: [[facilities]] ===== Access ===== The workshop is located on the 4th floor of the Engineering building next to the library, opposite the doors at the top of the main exterior staircase. A small group of student volunteer "workshop supervisors" help to manage the EWS which can be accessed and used at any time that a supervisor is present. In practice this is most days of the week until 20:00 or later and often during the day when supervisors have no classes or other obligations. Potential users of the workshop must attend a short safety and orientation seminar and sign a pledge of good conduct and a waiver of liability in case of accidents. Ask the workshop supervisors or the director for more information. Students can use the workshop for personal `flagstone' projects, larger `cornerstone' projects, or to support their work on 3rd and 4th year `capstone' projects. (Some financial support from the Engineering department is available to help cover costs.) In addition, graduate students and faculty members can (and do) use the workshop facilities to support their research work. ===== Material costs and funding ===== Cheap consumables (solder, wire, etc.) can be used freely in the workshop. Small components (resistors, etc.) are free in reasonable quantities but you must get permission from a faculty member before taking anything from the component cabinets. If many small components will be used, please purchase and bring your own supplies. Some financial support from the Engineering department is available to help with these costs (see below). More expensive components and materials can be bought personally or with help from the project support ladies in the 1F admin office when project funding is available. Undergraduate students can apply for up to ¥50,000 funding (total, for all projects combined) per academic year. Graduate students and faculty who will use significant resources are invited to make a donation to the workshop of the same resources that they use, purchased using their lab's annual research/consumables budget. ==== Flagstone projects ==== These are small-scale personal projects expected to last a day or so. Students can apply to the workshop director for departmental funding of approximately ¥1000 per project. ==== Cornerstone projects ==== These are larger-scale projects that can involve one to ten students working for up to a year on a single project. The project can receive funding up to ¥50,000 per team member (per academic year, which means up to ¥25,000 per semester). Project and budget management must be conducted using the online 'e-Portal' system. ==== Capstone projects ==== These are undergraduate academic R&D projects conducted in collaboration with an industry partner in the 3rd and 4th years. Reservations to use the workshop in support of these projects can be made using the online 'e-Portal' system.